As with any piece of equipment, proper installation and maintenance of your VistaClear Dental Waterline Treatment System is critical. After installation, the dental waterlines will need to be cleaned to remove any possible contamination. The installer or service technician should perform the initial line cleaning.
This system purging and cleaning should done quarterly, or as needed. Treatment should be done if bacteria count is greater than 500 cfu/mL, as recommended by the CDC.
Step 1: Purging the System & Waterlines
- Close water inlet valve (3). (S6150)
- Slowly open drain valve (4). (S6145)
- Open air valve (1). (S6150)
- Close drain valve (4) when water stops running to drain.
- Discharge all dental appliance lines (7) in each operatory into sink, cup or bucket until all water is evacuated and air emerges. Begin by discharging the quick-disconnect fitting on the delivery unit, if present, to speed the process considerably.
- Close air valve (1).
- Open drain valve (4) to relieve all pressure from system.
- Close drain valve (4).
- Close all operatory valves (6).
Step 2: Adding Line Cleaner
You will need to follow this procedure for each operatory, one at a time. Never attempt to add cleaner if there is pressure on the system!
- Remove the mixing chamber cap (2) from the top of the mixing chamber.
- Add one VistaTab to the chamber and thread the cap back into place. (Use two tabs per operatory for initial cleaning after system installation.)
- Open water inlet valve (3) to fill the mixing chamber with water to dissolve the VistaTab.
- Close water inlet valve (3) when the two gauges read the same pressure and the mixing chamber is full. Wait at least two (2) minutes for the tab to dissolve completely.
- Open air inlet valve (1).
- Open one of the valves (6) for the operatory to be treated.
- Go to operatory and discharge all dental appliance lines (7) in that operatory into sink, cup or bucket until all air is evacuated and cleaning solution emerges from each appliance line, then stop. Again, start with the quick-disconnect fitting on the delivery unit to speed the process.
- Return to the central system board and close air valve (1).
- Open drain valve (4) to relieve all pressure from the system and both system pressure gauges read zero, then close drain valve (4).
Repeat Steps 1–9 for all remaining operatories (one operatory at a time) and allow solution to remain in water lines for at least five minutes.
Step 3: Line Rinsing Procedure
- Slowly open air valve (1). (S6150)
- Slowly open drain valve (4) (S6145) to remove remaining cleaner from mixing chamber.
- Close drain valve (4) when air emerges from drain.
- Discharge all dental appliance lines (7) in each operatory into sink, cup or bucket until all cleaner is evacuated and air emerges.
- Return to the VistaClear system and close the air valve (1).
- Open drain valve (4) to relieve all pressure from system.
- Close drain valve (4).
- Open water inlet valve (3) (S6150) to fill mixing chamber.
- Return to each operatory and discharge all dental appliance lines (7) into sink or cup until all air is evacuated and clear water emerges. Rinse each line for at least 10 seconds (or a total of 500 mL of clear water for each operatory).
The system is now ready for use!
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